November 8, 2012

How To Get The Best Rates On Automobile Insurance In Mississippi

You need to buy automobile insurance if you are going to drive any vehicle on any public roadway in Mississippi. Driving without insurance will get you in far too much trouble (and cost you far too much money) to ever make the gamble worthwhile.
Instead, bet on a sure thing and learn the tips and tricks the insiders use to keep the cost of their auto insurance as low as possible.

Start by paying your premium automatically each month from your bank account. Automatic payments saves your insurance company money and they pass the savings on to you.

Don't park your car on the street at night. Find a garage. Parking your car in a garage at night will save you money month after month on your auto insurance.

Talk to your agent about any savings you would get from buying and using a simple steering wheel locking device. Ask your agent about other low-cost and simple anti-theft devices which will reduce your insurance costs each month.

Start or join a carpool at work. Not only will joining a carpool save money on gas and save on wear and tear on your vehicle, but carpooling can also save you a fair amount on your car insurance every month. Since a portion of your monthly premium is based on the number of miles that you drive to and from work every month, cutting those miles in half will save you money.

If you retire from work - and are no longer making the rush hour commute at all - let your agent know and you will find your monthly premium reduced.

Look for low cost group auto insurance. Often your place of employment will offer its workers low cost group auto insurance, but if not don't stop there. Check with any clubs or groups or associations that you belong to. A surprising number of organizations that have nothing whatsoever to do with cars offer their members low-cost group automobile insurance.

Since your vehicle loses value every year, make sure that you are not paying for more collision or comprehensive coverage than makes sense. Keep your coverage inline with the ever-diminishing Kelly Blue Book value of your vehicle.

If you are considering a new vehicle get a list of the lest-expensive-to-insure vehicles from your agent before you set your heart on a make and model that you cannot afford to insure.
If you're under 25 stay in school and work hard to get good grades. If you can maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average then you can save every month with a Good Student Discount.

Pay the largest deductible that you can afford. The larger your deductible the less you are going to pay for your automobile insurance every month. The trick is to balance the amount of your deductible with what you can actually afford to pay should you have a claim.
Check out the internet. You can almost always save money if you properly use the internet to compare the cost of car insurance from a variety of different insurance companies.
There are two tricks to getting the very best rates on automobile insurance online. First, don't rely on just 1 of the price comparison websites - fill out the form on 3 different sites. Second, put the same answers into the forms on all 3 sites. That's the only way you can actually compare the price of an auto policy across all three sites.

But once you've done that then your job is done. All that's left is to choose the best price you've found from the 3 different sites and lock in your price, knowing that you have gotten the best rates possible on auto insurance here in Mississippi.