June 25, 2011

Keep your Cheap Women’s Car Insurance with Regular Maintenance

by: Kim Chambers

We all know how cheap women’s car insurance can be. The female of the species get a pretty fair deal when it comes to insuring their motor vehicles.

One of the chief reasons why cheap women’s car insurance is so cheap is that statistically they are much less likely to have an accident. Hence, cheap women’s car insurance specialists can afford to offer lower premiums to their customers as they pose less risk than their male counterparts.

However, whilst insurance is usually cheaper for women, a lot of females claim on their insurance needlessly due to a lack of basic motor vehicle knowledge. Not knowing how to maintain your vehicle can lead to some expensive repairs which require an insurance claim. Simple things like checking your oil levels and tyre pressure can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Maintaining vigilance on your vehicle’s oil supply will keep your engine running smoothly and keep all the component parts finely tuned. Most cars require a complete oil change every 3,000 miles, but it’s always wise to check your oil levels with a dipstick at least once a month. Assuming your oil is just fine can prove a very costly mistake, and if you need to replace your entire engine because there wasn’t sufficient oil lubricating the moving parts, then even cheap women’s car insurance is going to take a nasty hike in premium.

Another thing that is easy to maintain and check regularly is the condition of your tires. Tyres are ultimately going to be the deciding factor about whether you stay on the road or end up in a ditch, so checking your tyres regularly is essential in order to avoid those expensive insurance claims.

Physically inspect the tyre for bald spots and worn tread. The tread grips the car to the road, so if the tread is worn, you significantly increase your chances of losing control of your vehicle and having an accident. In the UK, the law requires a minimum of 1.6 millimetres in continuous band throughout the central three-quarters of the tread width. Your tyre tread should be much wider than 1.6 millimetres though and ideally more than 3 millimetres.

Checking your tyre pressure regularly is essential to maintaining equal wear on your tyres. Over-inflated tyres will lead to uneven wear and worse tyre grip. Under-inflated tyres will corner poorly in wet conditions and will increase your breaking distance. You should be checking your tyres at least once a fortnight, and preferably once a week for pressure and tyre wear.

Having a little knowledge can really help reduce your chance of having an accident and a hefty insurance claim on your hands. Some cheap women’s car insurance companies offer as much as a 15 per cent discount to women who are part of an owner’s club or car owner’s forum because enthusiasts take better care of their vehicles and hence tend to have fewer accidents.

By taking simple precautions like checking your tyres and oil regularly, you can make your cheap women’s car insurance even cheaper.

Car Insurance Quote Myths Dispelled

by: Kim Chambers

Insurance companies ask for an awful lot of information when it comes to getting car insurance quotes. The level of detail required by the companies is all used to judge the risk you and your vehicle pose, and how likely it is you will make a claim. There are a lot of myths and rumours surrounding car insurance quotes however, most of which are utter rubbish. Here we dispel the fiction and reveal the truth behind your car insurance quote.

Car Colour Makes a Difference

A common myth but utterly untrue; many people are led to believe that the colour of their car will have an effect on their car insurance quote. There are two schools of thought on colour affecting car insurance premiums. The first idea is that the popular car colours: silver, black and red are easier to sell on and hence hold their value much better. Higher value cars tend to have more expensive insurance quotes, and so the myth goes that if you want to get a cheap car insurance quote, buy a car in a lurid pink.

On the other hand, rumours would have you believe that unusual car colours by their rarity are much more expensive to repair if there is any body work damage, and hence insurance companies require a premium for buying a car in fluorescent yellow. Both explanations are completely false; car colour has no bearing whatsoever on your car insurance quote.

My Credit History Will Be Reviewed

Whilst this was certainly prevalent a few years ago, in most cases now car insurance companies will not check your credit rating. The advent of the internet has made car insurance a highly competitive market, and with so many companies out there, insurers are much less likely to take your credit history into account than they were in the past. Whilst it is true that you can receive a discount to your car insurance quote for paying upfront rather than in instalments, this is true for all customers and has nothing to do with credit rating.

Living in a Sunny Area Will Get Me a Cheaper Quote

The reasoning behind this perpetuated legend comes from the true fact that drivers are less likely to have an accident in clear and dry weather conditions. As the myth goes, if you live in an area which has historically better weather, you will on average have more days on the road with clear and dry driving conditions which means you should have fewer accidents as a result of your geographic location. This myth arises from confusion about one of the criteria asked for from insurance companies. When getting a car insurance quote, companies require you to provide an address because they monitor the average crime levels in your neighbourhood. The weather is of no consequence to your car insurance quote.

Don’t Lie to Get Cheaper Women’s Car Insurance

by: Kim Chambers

Many women are coming around to the benefits of buying their auto insurance from women’s car insurance specialists in order to receive cheaper rates. However, with the recession in full swing you might be tempted to allow a few fibs into your insurance policy in order to secure an even cheaper premium. The problem is that not only is this against the law, you can also invalidate your insurance policy by not telling the truth. Here are the top items that are most popular on the fib list, and things you should definitely not lie about.


If you’ve had a previous driving conviction, even a minor one, then you must declare that when you’re looking for a new quote from a women’s car insurance company. Most insurance companies will ask if you have had any motoring convictions in the last five years. It is important to remember that a conviction will count from the time you were convicted, not the time of the incident. So if you were caught speeding in January but weren’t officially convicted until March then you have to count five years from March to decide if you fall within the category or not.


There are usually two mileage categories which you will have to fill out when applying for women’s car insurance. The first is the number of miles your car has already driven; the second is the expected number of miles you will drive annually. Cars with a lower mileage will have a lower premium but, in the event of an accident, insurers can easily check the number of miles your car has done and a discrepancy can be enough to void your policy, leaving you with an expensive bill to pick up.


This is of vital importance not just for women’s car insurance quotes but for your safety also. If you fail to declare any health issues on your insurance policy, or worse to the DVLA when applying for your driving licence, then you are committing fraud and could go to jail. Serious health issues such as epilepsy are something that both your insurer and the DVLA must know about.


Although car customisation is stereotypically in the domain of the male driver, female drivers are increasingly looking to altering their vehicles from the norm. If you have made any modifications to your car which take it outside of the normal manufacturer’s specifications then your insurer needs to know about it. Policies differ between women’s car insurance companies, and some will not make adjustments to your premium for “aesthetic” modifications, but if the car’s performance is enhanced, then this will attract a higher rate of insurance to compensate.

In the end, taking a risk with your car insurance is simply not a wise move. Your insurance is a safety net for when things go wrong and giving insurers a reason to whisk that safety net away from you when you need it most can be a very painful experience.

Understanding California Car Insurance Requirements

by: Thomas Ajava

Car insurance is something you must have in California if you want to drive. It is the law. That being said, what exactly are the insurance requirements you have to meet? In this article, we discuss that very thing.

California is a cause state when it comes to car insurance issues. Simply put, this means that a party in an accident must be assigned the responsibility for the accident. The cause can be partitioned, but that is less common. Regardless, the party that is assigned responsibility for causing the accident is on the hook for the cost of repairs and so is their insurance company.

If you are going to drive in California, you need to have insurance to cover any damage you are found to have caused. There are two sets of insurance coverage you must have under the law of the state. The first is bodily injury liability insurance. The second is property damage liability coverage. Let's take a closer look.

Bodily Injury Insurance

Under California law, you must maintain $15,000/$30,000 coverage for bodily injury. As the name suggests, this insurance covers any liability assigned to you for bodily injury to another person. If you drive through a stop sign, hit another car and the other driver is hospitalized, your bodily injury policy will cover their bills. The insurance will cover up to $15,000 of the bills for each event, but no more than $30,000 a year regardless of the total number of accidents you cause.

Property Damage Liability

Under California law, you must maintain $5,000 in property damage liability. This insurance is used to repair any damage you cause to another vehicle. This is not a very high number, so you might want to select a bigger figure to cover you in case you run into a car worth more than $5,000.

At this point, you might be wondering how you buy all this insurance? Most of us just buy one policy and don't really know how it works. Don't worry too much. Under California Law, the insurance companies must bundle these together and sell them as one policy. Put another way, you have this coverage even if you don't know it!

The traffic in California is absolutely insane in many areas. Accidents are common. Make sure you are in compliance with California law so you don't run into problems with the authorities.

The Deductible Decision With Your Car Insurance

by: Thomas Ajava

What is the number one thing everyone complains about when it comes to car insurance? The cost! It can seem like you are just flushing money away given the fact payments are being made each and every year. Adjusting your deductible is one way to address that.

Most coverages included in your car insurance will come with a deductible. What is a deductible? It is the amount of money you must first spend before the insurance will kick in and take care of the various bills produced from a claim. The typical deductible amounts you can choose from are $250, $500 and $1,000. The exact amounts may vary by the insurance company you are working with.

So, what deductible amount should you choose? $250 is considered the default deductible amount. Choosing $250 means you are going to have coverage for smaller events. Let's say someone busts out all the windows of the cars on your block including yours. Your new windows are going to cost more than $250 when installed. You'll have to pay the first $250 of the bill and the insurance company will then pay the rest. If your deductible is higher, say $1,000, you'll have to pay for the first $1,000 of the repair before the insurance kicks in.

Given this example, why would anyone every pick a deductible other than the lowest possible figure? The answer is found in the deductible - premiums relationship. Simply put, the lower your deductible, the higher your premiums. This makes sense for a logic perspective. A person with a deductible of $250 is far more likely to trip the insurance payout than someone with a $1,000 deductible. To "share the risk" the car insurance company cranks up your premiums.

What if we go in the opposite direction? What if we crank our deductible up to $1,000? Will we save money in the long run? It depends on your policy and your driving habits. Raising the deductible to $1,000 will lower your premiums between five and twenty five percent. If the figure is only five percent, it makes little sense to raise the deductible. A discount of twenty five percent is a different matter entirely! The other subtle issue is your driving history. If you've never had an accident and never made a claim, then raising the deductible really isn't very risk at all. If you are always dinging your car, it is. You'll just have to decide.

A common strategy used by many people is to raise their deductible as high as possible. At the same time, they save up $1,000 and set it aside in case it is needed. This approach lowers the premiums, which saves you money year after year after year.

June 15, 2011

Focus on Your Car Insurance When Cutting Your Expenses

by: Thomas Ajava

To say it has been a rough year for most people is a minor understatement. The name of the game these days is to cut expenses wherever you can. One place most people do not look, but should, is their car insurance. You can make a few changes that will really drive down the price.

Insurance is a subject much like taxes. You don't really want to deal with it, but you know you have to. I own life insurance, but honestly don't really understand how it works other than to know it will pay out money when I die to the person I designated. Other than that, I just send in a check every month and hope for the best.

Most people view car insurance the same way. They ask for "full coverage" and then go for the lowest quote they get. What most people don't understand is car insurance is actually a collection of different insurance coverages. You don't need all of them. The ones you do need do not really require all the coverage you might be paying for. If you can get things under control, you can slash your car insurance premiums and give yourself some serious budgetary relief.

The first issue to consider is the coverage you have. You need liability insurance because this covers you for third party claims. Put more specifically, this covers you for the repairs to other cars and medical claims if you cause an accident. Whatever you do, make sure you maintain liability coverage.

What about comprehensive coverage? Well, you might need this, but you might not. Comprehensive coverage takes care of the cost of replacing or repairing your car. You need it if you drive a new or old car. The question is how much coverage do you need? If you are driving a 5 year old Honda with a blue book value of $6,000, you probably don't need $50,000 in comprehensive coverage. Cut the coverage down to $10,000 and your premiums will drop.

Car insurance comes with coverage for medical bills should you be involved in an accident. Millions of Americans don't have health insurance, but what if you do? There is little reason to pay for medical coverage on your car insurance if you already have independent health insurance. If this is the case, cancel the medical coverage on your car insurance and save big bucks.

The final step with your expense cutting has to do with your deductible. The deductible is the amount you are responsible to pay before your car insurance kicks in. Most people have it set at $250. You should raise the deductible to $1,000. Your premiums will plummet because it is far less likely the insurance company will have to pay any claims. To avoid problems, make sure to save up and set aside $1,000 for any repairs.

You can slice car insurance premiums by 20 to 30 percent with these simple steps. In some cases, the discount will be even more. That is some serious money and we can all use every buck we can find these days.

Car Insurance For Your Kids

by: Thomas Ajava

Car insurance is going to be a big deal when it comes time for your kids to start driving. The big deal will be the price. Simply put, it is going to be a lot!

Quick - name the riskiest class of drivers on the road. Yes, it would be new drivers. The lack of experience of a new driver means that they are susceptible to making the wrong decision at the wrong time. The definition of experience, after all, is learning from your mistakes. For new drivers, these mistakes often come in the form of accidents.

Insurance companies really dislike risk. The more risk there is with a class of drivers, the higher the premiums that will be charged by the companies. With teens, the risk is much higher. Compared to a senior driver, a teen is three times as likely to get in a crash. Three times! That alone cranks up the cost of insurance coverage.

Your kids are going to start driving sooner or later. When they do, you are going to have to deal with car insurance. Is there any way of cutting down the cost? Fortunately, there is. The key is to go for the discounts offered by the various insurers. When totaled up, they can save you 20 to 30 percent on the premiums.

The first discount you should consider is the good grade discount. Most insurers will offer a 5 to 10 percent discount if the kid drivers maintain a certain grade point average. Why? Well, it tends to require the kids to be responsible and focused, two traits which translate to driving.

The second discount you can take advantage of is the professional training course. The free training through high school, if it is offered, doesn't count. You need to put them in a professional driving school approved by the insurer. This can save you another 10 to 20 percent on premiums and is definitely worth it.

The third approach is to consider bundling all your home and auto insurance needs with one company. In exchange for all the business, they will often heavily discount the cost of insuring the kids. If you can nullify that expense, you can really avoid the hefty price of letting your kids drive.

Buying car insurance for your kids can be an eye and bank account opening experience. Investigate the discount options available to you and you may just find that you can serious cut down the costs involved.

Why Car Insurance is So Important to Your Financial Well Being

by: Thomas Ajava

Many states now require that you buy a certain amount of car insurance if you're going to drive. Because of this, many people don't realize why it is so important to buy car insurance. Yes, there is a reason other than taking your money! The reason has to do with protecting yourself from potential liability.

If you're an adult, you well know that there a lot of attorneys in this country. From lawsuits over coffee at McDonald's being too hot to the bizarre wording you see on products like hair dryers that tell you not to put the hair dryer in the bathtub, we live in a society that is perpetually in fear of being sued. Well, guess what the number one risk is in your life for being sued? It isn't throwing the hair dryer in the bathtub! It is not serving food or beverages that are far too hot! The single biggest risk that you face for getting sued arises from driving a car.

Car accidents are a normal part of our society. Nearly every one of us drive. With literally hundreds of millions of cars on the road, it's inevitable that there are going to be accidents. Such is life, but the question becomes who is going to be considered at fault in the accident? This is a huge issue because fault necessarily leads to damages. What are damages? Damages are the monetary that must be paid in recognition of your responsibility. Let's take a closer look.

Let's say that you run a red light and hit somebody. They end up breaking their shoulder and are hospitalized for five days. You are clearly at fault and admit it. So what are the damages? Well, the first form of damage is going to be their medical bills. The second form of damages is going to be the cost of the repair of their car. The third form of damages is going to be their pain and suffering from the accident. The fourth form of damages is going to be the lost wages from the five days they stayed in hospital instead of going to work. This fourth form of damages may be even bigger if they can't go to work after leaving the hospital for a certain period of time.

So what are the monetary numbers that attach to these damages? Well, it is difficult to guess at. In general, you might expect $50,000 in medical bills and another $50,000 in pain and suffering. We might also assign $2,000 in lost wages. We might estimate another $10,000 for the repair of the car. I would consider this a fairly conservative estimate. Still, they total $112,000. So, how much insurance you have? If you're like most Americans, you have $15,000 per accident. Put another way, you're about $98,000 short!

As you can see, car insurance is something that you should not just buy by price. Instead, you should view it as a pivotal part of your financial profile. Life is full of all kinds of risk. A measly 15,000 or $30,000 of coverage is not going to cover you in most car accidents. About 10 times these amounts will do the trick.

By definition, we are all human. We make mistakes. Making mistakes while driving can cause serious damages to others. Make sure you have adequate insurance coverag

Considering Your Car Insurance - Liability Coverage

by: Thomas Ajava

It is the rare person who considers buying car insurance to be a fun event. Most of us just shop by price and try to get the best deal that we possibly can. Is this the best way to go? In many cases, it is not. The problem has to do with the liability aspect of your coverage.

Few people realize that their car insurance is actually a collection of different types of insurance. One type will often be collision insurance, while another aspect of the policy may be medical insurance coverage, while yet another aspect may be applicable to certain replacement issues. The mass of information can be overwhelming to the point you aren't really sure what is important and what is not, so let's clear that up.

The most important part of any car insurance policy is the liability protection. What is liability protection? It is the aspect of the car insurance that covers you from any claim of damages by a third-party. Why would a third-party be claiming damages? Probably because you were in an accident with them and they believe you were the cause of the accident. This can make you liable for the repairs or replacement of their car as well that their medical damages. But wait, it gets better. If they sue you, you're also going to have to deal with paying a lawyer to defend you. Liability aspect of your insurance coverage may very well cover the cost of that lawyer.

You actually are already fairly familiar with the liability coverage in your insurance policy whether you realize it or not. It is represented by the two dollar figures that are quoted when you shop for car insurance. The first figure is often 15,000 followed by second one of 30,000. These two figures relate to the amount of insurance that you are buying. The 15,000 figure represents the amount of money the insurance company will pay on your behalf for each claim against you. The 30,000 figure represents the total amount of money the company will pay regardless of how many claims are made against you.

Let's focus on the $15,000 figure. Ask yourself a simple question. If you cause an accident and the other person is hospitalized, how far do you think the $15,000 will go towards paying their bills? How about towards replacing their car? It certainly is not going to go very far. So what happens when it runs out? Well, here's a scary thing. You're going to be personally liable for anything in addition to the $15,000. The insurance company does not have an obligation to continue to pay anything other than what is in the policy - a fact that should terrify you.

As you can see, a car insurance policy with a $15,000 per event coverage limit is not really much of an insurance policy at all. The good news is you can buy much higher insurance coverage amounts without spending a ton of money. For example, the difference between carrying $100,000 in coverage and carrying $500,000 in coverage is only about an $80 increase for your premiums. How can this be? Well, it has to do with the probability of you getting into an accident that will result is a big dollar money claim by a third party. While a good number of us will get into fender benders every so often, fortunately very few of us are going to get into crash that results in major medical damages. As a result, the insurance company can tell that the probability of there being a major claim for any particular policy is usually pretty low. With this in mind, the premiums for the additional coverage are also very low.

The last couple years have seen some seriously tough times for Americans given the Great Recession as they are calling it now. There are many areas where you can cut back on your insurance expenses. Lowering your total coverage is not one you should be touching. You can actually raise your coverage without spending a single dollar more than you are now. The key is to raise the amount of your deductible. This will lower your premium to the point that it more than compensates for the cost of the increased coverage.

Car insurance is one of those things we all hate to pay for until we really need it. Make sure you have sufficient coverage to protect yourself should

How Filing Claims Affects Your Car Insurance

by: Thomas Ajava

Car insurance is a funny thing. Most people can't stand paying for it. Only when they need it are they really happy that they did. While everyone complains about the amount they pay in premiums, the truth is you can do a lot to lower those amounts. In this article, we take a look at the issue of how filing claims against the insurance policies will affect your car insurance rates.

There are two very distinct views when it comes to car insurance. Some people view their policy as a pool of money that they can access whenever they need to. Others view it as a financial tool that should be used only as last resort. Your attitude toward your car insurance goes along way to establishing how much you're going to pay in premiums. For some reason, this is a big surprise to most people. It should not be. Let's take a closer look at how this works.

Let's say you're fresh out of college and you have a job. You living in an apartment in a decent part of town. Unfortunately, you don't have a garage. You come out of your house one morning to drive to work and noticed a dent in the side of your door. The dent isn't too bad, but it's clear that the paint is scraped and the door is dinged in. What do you do? You really have two options. The first is to take it to a repair shop and get it repaired with your own money. The second is to take it to your insurance company and have them deal with it. The first option is going to cost you more in the short term, but the second option may cost you in the long-term.

The more often you file claims under insurance policies, the higher your premium rates are going to go. Why is this? Well, think it through. The more often there are claims on the policy, the more money the insurance company has to spend. You can bet the insurance company is going to be paying close attention to how much money they're spending on your policies. Once they realize that they're spending more and more money, they're going to do one of two things. The first is to raise your premium rates the next time you renew your insurance. If you really go nuts with your claims, they will simply cancel your policy.

So, how do you know if you're making too many claims under policy? The average for all insured motorists in the United States is one claim approximately every 11 years. Yes, 11 years! Once your insurance premium rates start going up because of excessive claims, it can be very difficult to get them to come back down. As a result, you want to be really careful of making claims.

You buy car insurance for a reason. It is important that you figure out what that reason is. If you hate paying high premiums, take care of small repairs on your own. If you don't really care how large your premiums are, then you can make as many claims as you like. It is up to you.

June 12, 2011

Car Insurance Advice - 5 Factors That Influence Your Insurance Premium

by: Andrew Thomas

First of all you need to know that having car insurance isn't an option it's the law. Even so having car insurance should be done in a way so that you can get maximum benefits out of it.

You can get maximum benefits is you get a hole year policy.

Second you have to know the importance of the car insurance. Mostly the new drivers to the mistake of not knowing it or not understanding what can be the loss of not having the policy. They may suffer a lot by this huge mistake.

You are a driver or a car owner maybe you own a motorbike or another kind of motor vehicle than you absolutely must have car insurance.

Your insurance premiums can vary because of the following factors:

* Age, driving record, and the vehicle you own, vehicle's age and where do you live.
* Also before buying the car insurance, do a retrospection of the coverage components which are resumed below for you.
* Liability protects you in case the accident it's by your own fault. Covers the damages made to the other car and the medical expenses, the pain and sufferance of anyone injured.
* Comprehensive pays for the replacing of your car in case of theft or the repairs your car will need in case of fire, flood or powerful winds.
* Collision, regardless of whose fault was the accident this type of coverage will pay for the repairs to your car or the replacement of it on the market value.

Figure out what coverage you need and you will keep costs down. Many states don't require the same amount for the liability coverage. You can find out about these facts from your state department.

Also you could contact an insurance broker because he will know the current market and will get you the best deal.

By the way avoid the car insurance scams by making sure that your insurance company or agent is licensed by your state.

Shop around don't take the first offer you hear about.

And DO NOT PAY IN CASH! (This can be an easy scam to pull and you don't know how many people fall for this one.)

These being said good luck in finding a fitting car insurance, and let`s all hope that you won't really be using it often.

Car Insurance For Students - 6 Tips To Help You Get The Right Car Insurance Plan

by: Andrew Thomas

You're in college you and you just bought a car, now you need car insurance so you may "roll on the road". How do you find an insurance policy suitable for you and your car? You need a cheap one of course, but one who can also provide sufficient coverage.

Do you know what are you entitled to since you're a student? No? Well in the following you will get a lot of answers. Basically car insurance for students it's about the same thing with any car insurance only that a student can qualify for few discounts that the average man can't.

What influences the amount you pay on your insurance policy?

The price of the policy is set based on age, gender, driving record, location of vehicle, vehicle accident history, daily mileage; you can't avoid these factors but there are ways to lower your premium by choosing the right insurance plan.

What should you do first?

You should shop around , find out as much information from at least 3 different insurance companies, compare the offers and see which has the more suitable premiums that situates in your budget.

Get to know the basics of a student car insurance plan

This is what car insurance plan should contain:

* bodily injury,
* personal property liability,
* collision, comprehensive,
* personal injury protection,
* uninsured motorist, etc...

Do your grades affect the price of the policy?

In a way yes they do, many insurance companies offer discounts to students that maintain a B average or higher. Bring proof of your grades when you apply for your car insurance.

Get your car insurance policy at the same company as the rest of your family

Make shore you apply for all the discounts the company is offering, even if you get a student discount. You may get family discount if you purchase your insurance from the same company your family did.

How do you know if you qualify for a cheaper premium?

Car insurance is usually based on the car's safety probability so if you're thinking to buy a high speed sport car and you want a smaller premium better think again. As well look at the possibility to install a burglar alarm that should reduce your premium considerably.

Are you a safe driver?

If you want to lower your insurance policy you shouldn't drink and drive! This sounds like a police warning but actually this the most important step in lowering your car insurance. The fewer driving violations you have and car accidents the more money you safe on the insurance. Park your car in a safe area and maintain the speed limit.

A car to a college student it's like "a baby to his mother", having a car to college is a luxury that many students don't have. College should be both fun and safe. Take care of you and your car; Get an insurance policy so you would feel more secure.

How Much Is Your Car Insurance?

by: Ash Brennan

When thinking of purchasing a car, most individuals will think 'is this motorcar costly to insure?' Interestingly, owning an price automobile does not inply that your motorcar policy will be cheap. Still, owning an costly automobile doesn't mean that your policy will price you an arm and a leg.

The type of car you get and it's claim chronicle has a larger affect on what you will pay for insurance than does the actual price of the automobile you're insuring.

For example, if a certain car has a track record of being stole more often than others, if its repair costs are comparatively high, or if it's been in more accidents than other motorcars, auto policy insurance premiums for that car will be substantially higher than average.

Your car insurance premiums are based on various factors. The most important are as follows:

The more pricey the automobile, the more it price to replace it.

It's fix costs. To A Greater Extent technologically advanced automobiles are commonly more expensive to repair.

Whether it's stole more than often than other autos. For example, the BMW M5 and the A5 are an example of two cars that are stole the most often. If you live in an region with higher motorcar thieving rates your insurance quote will likely be higher.

The more raw power the car, the more significant your insurance premiums will be. high performance cars, sports cars, and luxury cars are in the greatest theft class including light weight vehicles due to they have the greatest death values. Lorries and passenger vans are categorized as having the lowest losses for auto vechile impairment, however although trucks and Sport Utility Vechiles will generally have less damage in a collision, they will induce greater damage and consequently their financial obligation rates will be higher.

If you live in a country that features had a deal of policy fraud, such as Texas, your insurance rates will be higher. Your age, your sex, your driving account . If you are young, male, and have a low driving record your insurance will be substantially high compared to a middle aged man with a good driving record.

So, one of the greatest expensive autos to insure would be a light weight, high performance sports automobile that is pricey, technologically advance and have a history of being stolen frequently. Today if it's driver is a 18 year old man with a account of accidents who lives in a busy city the auto insurance insurance premiums will most likely be substantial.

Car Insurance - Why Loss of Use Should Be Part of Your Policy

by: Thomas Ajava

People often say that the car has replaced the horse in modern society. This is really inaccurate. The car is far more important than the horse ever was. Don't believe me? When was the last day you went without driving your car? It was probably a long time ago. Even if it wasn't that long ago, how long do you think you could go without a car? Unless you live in a city, the answer is probably not very long.

When buying car insurance, many people assume that they're getting certain things. Obviously, they expect to be covered in case they cause an accident with another car. They also expect the car insurance will pay for the repair or replacement of their own car should it be damaged. One of the things that they may not really contemplate, but do expect, is that they will be given a replacement car while theirs is being replaced. Many policies actually do not provide for this automatically. If you are at all dependent upon your car, it is vital that you make sure that this type of coverage is included. Rental cars are not cheap!

So how do you tell if you have this kind of coverage? Well, you need to look at your insurance policy. The language you are looking for refers to something called "loss of use." What is loss of use coverage? As the name suggests, loss of use coverage refers to the expenses for transportation while your car is in being repaired or replaced. In more practical terms, this simply means that you have coverage for a rental car. Indeed, many people including those in the insurance industry refer to this clause of the car rental coverage clause.

Buying loss of use insurance with the car policy is definitely something you want to do. The idea of buying more insurance probably is one of the least favorite things for most people. That being said, going for days without your car is far worse. Most of us drive to work and home. Most of us need our cars just to get around to find basic things like food. You really don't realize how dependent you are on a car until you don't have it. If you don't believe me, try a simple little test. Lend your car to a friend one morning and tell them not to bring it back till the end of the day. I guarantee that you'll be going batty by noon!

Loss of use insurance is simply worth its weight in gold. It may not seem like it now, but it will when you suddenly need to get around and your car is in the shop. Paying for a rental car with your own money for more than a few days is an extremely expensive proposition. Paying 10 to 20 bucks a year extra on your car insurance to get loss of use coverage is definitely a better deal. Do it!

Should You Buy Road Service As Part of Your Car Insurance?

by: Thomas Ajava

It is amazing how things have changed in these modern times. It wasn't that long ago that when you had problems with your car, you had to hike up and down the road trying to find somebody to help you. Well those days are long gone. Now there is something known as road service. It is truly one of the great inventions of these modern times!

What is road service? It is exactly what the name suggests. If you have a problem, you simply contact the phone number provided. A service professional will be sent out to your location to assist you. The service professional is usually a local provider who will take a look at the car and make any simple repairs on the spot. If the car can't be repaired quickly and easily, they will then arrange for the car to be towed to a facility. You'll then be given a ride home or transportation will be arranged. It is a wonderful service!

If you purchased a new car in the last five years, you're probably already well aware of what road service is. It did not originate as an insurance product. Instead, car manufacturers started offering it as an enticement to buy their cars. Manufacturers such as BMW and Mercedes were some of the first to do this. As is often the case in industry, the other manufacturers started offering it once they saw how successful it was for the original manufacturers.

If you have a new car, there's no reason to buy road service as part of your car insurance. The manufacturer will cover it for an initial period that can be anywhere between three and five years depending on the program their offering. But what if that time is past? Should you buy roadside service as part of your car insurance? The answer is that you probably should not. There are a couple of reasons.

The first reason you should not buy road service as part of your car insurance has to do with the quality of the service. Simply put, other groups like AAA are far better at handling it. They've been doing it forever and they have the service down to a fine art. When you have a problem, you just call and AAA takes care of everything. As an additional benefit, you do not have to file a claim or anything of that sort. Everything is simply handled by AAA as part of the flat fee you pay for membership.

There's an additional reason why you should not buy road service as part of your car insurance that is little more subtle. Some car insurance companies consider calls for road service to constitute a claim. The premiums you pay for your insurance are determined by a number of different factors. One of the factors is the number of claims you make on your policy. You can probably see where I'm going with this. Let's assume you have three problems with cars on the road in the next five years and call for road service each time. If your insurance company considers each of those problems to be a claim, your premiums are going to skyrocket! That will be a disaster.

Road service is a great thing and you should definitely arrange to have it. That being said, including as part of your car insurance is probably not the best idea. There are other options that are better from both an economic and strategic perspective.

June 7, 2011

How To Find Cheap New Driver Car Insurance

by: Michael Foote

Passing your driving test is a brilliant feeling, as you probably are aware otherwise you would not be reading this. It gives you a new level of freedom, being able to jump in your car whenever you want and go wherever you want to.

The whole process can be very costly though, the cost of a car, the tax, the mot and of course the car insurance. Unfortunately for new drivers, car insurance is very expensive when you start out. Usually over the thousand pound mark. This can often be more or nearly the same price as the car, unfortunately until you acquire some years of no claims bonuses, there is little that anyone can do to lower the insurance cost. With my first car my insurance quote was over fifteen hundred pounds, an amount of money that I was prepared to pay, but instead of getting too downhearted I did my research and found a great solution to the problem, in the end I managed to get it down to just below one thousand pounds.

But there is one way to pretty much guarantee you can knock some money off your insurance premium and that is to use a car insurance comparison site. I would not recommend using any standard car insurance comparison site because they aim at the general market, being a niche consumer of car insurance, i.e. a new driver, you need to visit an insurance comparison site that specialises in providing cheap new driver car insurance. There are a few around, and the reason you need to visit them is because they provide insurance quotes from insurers that concentrate on finding extremely good deals for new drivers.

If you go with any general insurance broker they are unlikely to offer you the best price on your car insurance because just like every other business they have to make money and unfortunately it is risky to insure new drivers. Something like 70 percent of new drivers crash in their first year, so unfortunately for the other 30 percent, you have to pay price of others mistakes.

But by choosing a car insurer that concentrates on providing new driver car insurance in the UK you will definately get a lower quote. This is because these car insurers deal mainly in supplying insurance to new or young drivers, they will have excellent prices for you to sign upto, helping you to enjoy the freedom of being able to drive.

But who do you choose? As with everything in the insurance market, there are hundreds of companies all fighting for the same business. I recommend you chose someone that compares a lot of insurers and that also offers a simple to use and quick to fill in quote form.

Good luck with finding your new insurance policy and enjoy the driving.

Ways to Choose Car Insurance

by: Salem Hassan

Everyone who owns a vehicle and is a responsible person realizes that an insurance policy is a necessity and also required by law. Many insurance companies advertise on TV. How do you know how to choose a car insurance company? Out of all the ads you've seen on TV, has one particular company caught your attention? If so, contact them and speak to one of their agents. Ask if they have an insurance plan more specific to your needs. Make sure you have all the information in front of you that you will need. Once you receive the quote from the agent, say thank you for your time and information but you are still awaiting quotes from a couple of other companies.

One way to choose car insurance is not be in a rush. Shop around some and don't jump at the first proposal they offer you. Remember that all insurance companies are in competition, and all want your business so don't hurry about making your decision! One of those companies just might surprise you and give you a reduced rate compared to your initial quote.

Another method of choosing a car insurance company is to take a look through your local phone book. Many respectable insurance companies advertise in the yellow pages providing names and addresses to those companies agencies. These companies could help benefit you if located close to home, making for a friendlier customer relationship with your agent.

Car insurance companies also have web sites and information all over the internet. Almost everyone now has access to a computer. Check out some insurance companies' web sites and see if any of them interest you. There are some web sites out there that actually compare car insurance rates, and will give you a list of the most competitive companies out there, usually beginning with the most affordable ones.

Why Clients Require You To Carry Insurance

by: James Cochran

If you’re in engineering, you’ve probably encountered plenty of situations in which you’re required to carry some level of insurance. Maybe you run a small engineering consultancy with a few employees, or perhaps you’re a solo professional engineer. Either way, you might wonder why all that coverage is needed.

You already know the deal: If the developer says you and your engineers need insurance, you have to get it in order to get the job. However, in virtually all cases, getting the required insurance coverage can be both within your means and beneficial for your business.

Commonly, clients require proof of some or all of the following three types of insurance from professional engineers:

General liability insurance

This type of liability insurance for engineers covers damage or injury to your client’s people or property (excluding professional liability, of course). When it comes to this type of insurance, engineering consultants often ask: Do I really need this coverage? After all, what are the odds that someone making drawings in his own office will damage a client’s property?

Don’t take it personally. The truth is, client companies often require every vendor who may come to their office or job site – from construction crews to delivery people to engineers – to show proof of general liability insurance. Often, it’s the corporate risk managers who make the call, requiring insurance for engineers and all other contractors because they want to reduce the company’s liability risk.

Thankfully, general liability insurance is affordable, and professional engineers with liability insurance can rest easy knowing that if one of their employees accidentally injures someone or damages something on a job site, it’s covered. Your landlord may also require you to carry general liability insurance if your engineering consultancy has its own office space.

Professional liability insurance

In short, professional liability insurance is malpractice insurance for professional engineers. It covers you for errors and omissions you or your engineering consultants make on the job. There’s a simple reason that clients require professional liability insurance for engineers: You’re only human, and people do make mistakes.

Your client’s greatest risk in hiring you as an engineering consultant is that you might make a miscalculation or error that results in a lawsuit or other financial loss for your client. Even though you may be just an independent professional engineer or head up a small firm, your client wants you to have enough financial backing to compensate the company for any potential losses.

For example, suppose your engineering firm is hired to design a storm drainage system for a new shopping center. Once construction is complete, the developer discovers erosion and subsequent damage to the parking areas, then files suit against you, claiming that your design was negligent. Without professional liability insurance, engineers have to pay for their own legal defense as well as any settlement the court orders them to pay.

Without professional liability insurance, engineers are fully liable for the exponentially increasing costs resulting from a claim of errors or omissions. And that’s a dangerous situation to be in, especially for a small firm.

Workers’ compensation insurance

For professional engineers, workers’ compensation insurance can be particularly confusing. Some states require that companies carry it, while others don’t. If your client has its headquarters in a state that requires workers’ compensation insurance, there’s a good chance that your engineering firm will be asked to carry it – even if it’s not required in the state where you live or work.

The reason: In some states, if you’re hurt on the job, your client has to cover you with its own workers’ compensation policy. Additionally, in some states, your clients’ insurance carriers will bill them for coverage for all subcontractors that don’t provide their own certificate of coverage. Both situations mean that your client pays more in premiums.

If your engineering company has more than one employee, it makes sense to protect yourself and the people who work for you with workers’ compensation coverage. If you’re an independent professional engineer and have your own health insurance, it may be redundant. But ultimately, securing workers’ compensation insurance can help you get the job – and if you don’t get the required coverage, someone else will.

Guides and Tips to Car Accident Insurance Claims

by: Mark Dacanay

Millions of car accidents happen each year in the United States alone. With these accidents come thousands of fatalities and countless injuries.

When you sustained a personal injury or one of your family members died because of a car accident, you may be entitled to some compensation from your insurance company or the insurance company of the person who is at fault for the accident.

Car accidents are traumatic enough for the victims, the physical stress coupled with high emotions and the worry about the future can put one on edge especially if the victim is a breadwinner or someone who contributes a significant amount to the family’s finances.

The complications of claiming car accident insurance might add to the trauma if one does not go about it correctly.

Car insurance companies may look like the friend you really need during times of distress but these companies’ priorities are still themselves so they would look to pay you the least amount possible or nothing at all.

What you can do after a car accident is follow some basic steps if you want to ask compensation from your or the person at fault’s car insurance company.

Here are some steps you can follow when you want to file for a car accident insurance claim:

• File an accident report even if it is just a minor accident.

• Get a copy of the police report.

• Check what kind of protection your car accident insurance provides.

• Make sure that your medical record will be released and presented to the insurance company.

• File a claim for physical injuries through medical coverage.

• If another party was at fault for the accident, file the claim under uninsured motorist coverage.

• Prepare car repair estimates from at least two companies.

• Document all expenses including car towing and storage.

• If you have rental reimbursement coverage then you can ask the insurer to arrange a temporary car for your use.

• If other damages were discovered during repair, you should notify the insurer as well.

An attorney who has experience with negotiating with car accident insurance companies will be very helpful to your cause.

Here are some things that you can do to help speed up and ensure your claim’s success:

• Notify the insurance company about the accident immediately.

• Read your insurance policy so that you are aware of what type of coverage you have.

• Get details of the accident. Include location, road conditions and the weather. Get the car model, color and plate number of the vehicles involved as well.

• Take note of the insurance details of the other people involved.

• Document all expenses and receipts that you accumulated because of the car accident.

• Check if you have other insurance that covers the same accident.

• Consult with a car accident lawyer.

These are just some tips you can follow to ensure the success of your car accident insurance claim.

Choosing A Car Accident Insurance Policy

by: Mark Dacanay

Everyone who drives a car needs car accident insurance policy. In most states, it is actually required by law. The problem arises with what kind of car accident insurance policy you should get.

Car accident insurance policy is based on different factors like age, gender, model of car and of course the type of coverage you are looking for.

Before deciding on a car accident insurance policy, the first thing you need to find out is what coverage you need. Some of the coverage may be required by law while others are optional.

Here are some basic types of coverage you can get:

• Liability – This covers the expenses for injuries and property damages other people sustained after an accident including medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages. It also pays for damages to property and to the vehicle. This will only cover those costs if you are at fault

• Collision – Pays for damages to your car that is caused by a collision with another vehicle or object.

• Comprehensive – Pays for loss or damage that is not a result of a car accident. This includes loss as a result of fire, flood, vandalism or theft.

• Medical Coverage – Pays for your medical expenses regardless of who is at fault as long as injuries are caused by a car accident.

• Personal Injury Protection (PIP) – Required by some states, it pays for the medical expenses of the insured driver for injuries that are caused by a car accident.

• Uninsured Motorist – Pays for the damages to your car if the one at fault has no liability insurance.

• Underinsured Motorist – Pays for the damages to your car if the one at fault has insufficient liability insurance.

• Rental Reimbursement – Pays for the damages to a rented car that was a result of a car accident.

After you understood the types of coverage, you can consider these factors to decide what kind of car accident insurance policy you need.

• Know your state laws – Know what car accident insurance coverage is required in the state you live in. For the record, 47 out of the 50 states require all drivers to have liability insurance and fifteen states require all drivers to also buy PIP.

• Know your options – Know what type of coverage you need. That is the key to choosing the right car accident insurance policy.

• Know how much are you able to spend on insurance – After you examined what is required by law and your actual insurance needs, the first thing you need is liability coverage. It is not recommended to purchase the minimum coverage because if you are the cause of a car accident, it might be insufficient. For the other types of coverage, examine how much more can you spend for insurance after getting sufficient liability coverage.

• Know your car – Ask yourself, if your car was totaled or was stolen, will you be able to replace it? If not, then you may need comprehensive and collision coverage.

• Know about your other Insurance – A lot of people do not realize that other types of insurance like health and homeowner’s insurance may cover damages caused by car accidents.

June 6, 2011

Importance of Car Accident Insurance

by: Mark Dacanay

Car Accident Insurance companies as with any other insurance companies may deserve some of the bad reputation they are getting because they do look out for their own benefits like any other private companies in any industry.

However, they do fulfill an important role especially for people who own a car. Car accident insurance protects you financially from future liabilities.

They act as a safety blanket for your finances in case you get involved in a car accident.

Car accident insurance is a contract between you and the insurance company; you pay the insurance company now, they pay for your car expenses in the future.

Car Accident Insurance coverage

There are various types of car accident insurance ranging from required to optional plans. But before you choose any type of car accident insurance, the first thing you should do is check the type of coverage the plan offers.

Here are the basic types of car accident insurance coverage:

• Liability Coverage – This is required to all car owners in most states. This provides compensation for injuries and property damage caused to others. This includes medical expenses, loss of wages and pain and suffering.

Remember, this covers the expenses of the other people involved and not yours. In addition, you have to be the one at fault for the insurance company to pay.

• Personal Injury Protection – This is optional. It does not matter who is at fault, this covers the medical expenses of both you and your passenger for injuries you sustained after a car accident.

• Collision – Also optional, it covers the repairs needed for your car after a car accident.

Car Accident Insurance Rate Factors

Car Accident insurance rates vary from each case. There are different factors that affect the rates for each person.

Here is a list of some of the general factors that are used to determine car accident insurance rates:

• Age – According to statistics, drivers that are below 30 years old are more likely to be involved in a car accident than other age brackets. Therefore, car accident insurance rates for younger drivers are higher.

• Gender – Similar to age, statistics also show that men are more likely to be involved in a car accident than women. Therefore, men have higher car accident insurance rates than women.

• Type of Car – The more expensive the car is the higher the car accident insurance rate will be. Expensive car repairs are more expensive and it has the higher risk of being stolen.

• Location – Car accident insurance companies also consider your location as well. That is because the risk of car accidents increase in heavily populated areas.

• Driving Pattern – The more a car is driven, the higher the car accident insurance rate is.

What to do after a car accident?

Here is a guide of what you should do after a car accident:

• Call your insurance company as soon as possible. There may be a time limit on when you can inform the insurance company. Better be safe.

• Review the coverage given by your car accident insurance so that you know what to expect.

• Report the accident and get a copy of the police report.

• See a doctor and get yourself treated. Get a copy of your medical documents pertaining to your injuries.

• Do not release statements to insurance companies without a lawyer.

• Consult a personal injury lawyer to help you get the best out of car accident insurance companies.

Steps in Car Accident Insurance Claims

by: Maribel Roncales

Car accident is one of the leading causes of personal injury. A few suffer minor injury but almost half of that involved severe injuries, permanent disability and death.

A recent study shows that car accident results thousands of deaths each year. In fact, it is the leading cause of death of people between the age of 6 and 27.

Having been involved in a car accident is a traumatic experience. Aside from the physical pain and suffering, there is emotional distress, loss of income and property damage. All of these constitute financial compensation, which one can recover from the party at fault or from his insurer.

How to determine damages after a car accident

After a car accident, the next thing to do is to ask for compensation for the injury and other damages suffered. With this, the help of a capable car accident insurance lawyer is certainly needed.

The following are the steps to consider in filling your claim.

• Secure a copy of the police report.

• Know what protection your insurance policy will provide.

• Sign a medical release so that a copy of the medical record will be presented to the insurance company.

• Make a claim for physical injuries under medical pay coverage.

• If the other party is at fault, make a claim under the uninsured motorist coverage.

• Secure at least two car repair estimates if your car is totaled.

• Present estimates and allow your car to be photographed.

• Present bills for storage and towing cause.

• Ask your agent to help arrange a temporary substitute vehicle if you have rental reimbursement coverage.

• Notify your agent for any damages discover during the repair.

After filling your claims against the party at fault, you can also file a claim against your insurer. Filling a claim against the latter requires patience and hard work. The following are essential dos and don’ts that will guide you to facilitate your claim.


• Do contact your insurance company immediately after the accident.

• Do take time to read your insurance policy. This will guide you on what kind of claim you are covered.

• Do your best to get details of the accident. You can also take pictures of the damaged vehicle or get the number of the witnesses.

• Do make a note of the insurance detail of other persons involved in the accident.

• Do keep a written account of your conversation with the insurance agent and other people involved in the accident.

• Do keep receipts and bills of all expenses incurred in the accident to be presented to your insurer.

• Do be frank and honest to your insurance collector so that your claim will not be denied.

• Do check if you have other insurance policy that provides coverage for the same accident or injury.

• Do consult a car accident insurance lawyer.


• Do not admit any liability. Just stick on the facts without giving any opinion.

• Do not give anything in writing to your insurance officer especially if you do not understand some part of our claim.

• Do not let any time limit of your insurance claim runs out. Most of insurance company provides a period for filling claim after an injury. Do not disregard the period or else your claim will not be considered valid.

• Do not take everything that your insurance agent tells you especially with regard to your claim. Most insurance companies like to settle claims in an amount smaller than that actually suffered.

• Do not sign anything that is a release or a waiver of anything. If you are ask to sign and you are not sure of it call an attorney.

• Do not take a check as a full and final payment unless you are certain that it is a fair compensation of your claim.

The Basics in Car Accident Insurance

by: Maribel Roncales

Being involved in a car accident is a traumatic experience. Aside from the physical injury that you have to endure, there are various expenses to be paid.

But why worry; there is a car accident insurance company that will handle it.

Do I need car insurance?

Certainly, you need car insurance.

Driving without car insurance is illegal. But, there is more to this. Having car insurance will protect you financially from any future liability. Car insurance is considered as one of the most expensive aspects of owning a car but it is also the most important.

Buying a car insurance policy is like having a contract between you and your insurance company. You promise to pay money and they promise to pay car related expenses within the period of the policy.

What are the types of car insurance policies?

There are many types of car insurance coverage available. Some are required while others are optional. Knowing the different kinds of coverage is the first thing to do so that you will know what can fully protect your interest.

The following are the different types of car insurance coverage:

• Liability Coverage – Most states require this kind of coverage. It pays to bodily injury and property damage caused to others. Bodily injury pays to other people’s injuries including medical expenses, loss of wages and pain and suffering.

• Personal Injury Protection – This is one of the optional coverage. This coverage pays your medical expenses including your passengers at the time of the accident. It differs to liability coverage because it pays no matter whose at fault in the accident.

• Collision – This type pays for the damage to your car in colliding with other vehicle or object. This type of coverage is optional.

What is the extent of liability coverage?

Liability coverage pays only for bodily injury and property damage to others when you are at fault and it only pays to the extent of your dollar limits. Therefore, if your expenses are higher than your limit then you will be financially responsible for it.

However, liability coverage does not protect you from your own loses.

Factors that affects rates

Car insurance policy rates are based on many factors. The premium paid reflects factors such as, age, gender, driving record and many others. However, the common factors that are universally applicable are the following:

• Age - Statistics show that drivers below 30 years old are most likely to be involved in a car accident. Therefore, younger drivers are charged with higher rates.

• Gender – Same as age, statistics show that men drivers are involved in more accidents than the rest of the population. Therefore, they are charged more than anybody is.

• The type of car – The more expensive your car is, the higher its rate. This is because these types of vehicles are more likely to be stolen and to cause much when repaired.

• Your location – Insurance companies also consider your location. Heavily populated areas tend to have higher number of accidents.

• Driving pattern – The more you use your car, the higher the rate because there is more risk of being involved in an accident.

Buying car insurance is expensive. Therefore, it is important to compare the policies in terms of price, coverage, exclusions and the reputation of the insurance company.

However, you must bear some car accident insurance problems that might occur. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, you will be able to resolve these issues.

Factors that Affect Car Insurance Rate

by: Nemelou Despuez

Auto insurance, which is important for drivers and car owners to help them pay the damages in case of an accident, is a legal requirement on all states, or at the very least, strongly recommends people to have this coverage.

According to auto insurance companies, the rate or premium of coverage will depend on several factors including:

• Age of the policy holder. Younger drivers, specifically teenagers, have higher premiums because they are more likely to encounter accidents and are more reckless drivers than adults.

• Gender. Statistics show that women are safer drivers than men. According to road safety experts however, the trend is slowly changing.

• The place where the policy holder lives. People who are living in congested cities have higher insurance rates than those who are living in suburban or less populated places.

• Marital status. Several studies suggested that married people, especially those with children, are more cautious drivers compared to singles.

• Car’s value. The more expensive the car is, the higher the premiums for the policy holder.

• Multiple cars. Many insurance companies give discounts for people who have insured their other cars to the same provider.

• The purpose of the vehicle. Insurance companies require higher premiums for vehicles used for commercial purposes such as delivering, touring customers, and transporting goods.

• Driving history. A good record means that a person is less likely to encounter accidents, thus, insurance companies require lower rates.

• Education. Usually, people with better education are offered with lower premiums.

• Credit rating. According to insurance lawyers, companies charge people with a higher premium if they have poor or no credit history.

• Auto theft protection devices and safety equipment. If drivers will install such devices, the premium (especially for the theft coverage) will be greatly reduced.

• Occupation. Several studies suggested that certain professions have a greater chance to be involved in a car accident. For instance, a delivery driver has a higher risk to accidents compared to a computer specialist who sits all day on his office.

• The total miles driven annually. People who often use their cars are more likely to encounter traffic accidents compared to those who rarely travel.

• Distance traveled from the house to work.

• Years of driving experience. People who have an extensive driving history with clean records (no traffic tickets and violations) will have lower insurance premium.

• Impressive school grades for teenage drivers. Some insurance companies provide discounts for teenage drivers who have good grades in their schools.

Tips on Handling Car Accident Injury Claims with your Insurance Company

by: Mark Dacanay

Car accidents are the leading cause of personal injuries in the United States.

In 2005 alone, there are about 2.9 million people injured as a result of car accidents.

Car accident injuries are also the leading cause of death in road accidents and in the same study, have resulted in about forty-three thousand deaths.

Some of the common car accident injuries are:

• Knee injuries

• TBI and head injuries

• Paralysis (Paraplegia, quadriplegia, etc.)

• Burn injuries

• Amputations

• Fractured bones

• Skin lacerations

Car accident injuries usually cause large medical expenses and you would need to make a claim with your insurance company.

The problem is most insurance companies look for ways to pay the claimant as little as possible.

Insurance adjusters will be reviewing all your records and will find ways on reducing the payment as much as they can.

To avoid those problems, here are some tips that can be followed to ensure that you are getting a fair amount from your insurance company:

• Your personal injury claim starts when you go to a doctor – It is very important that you seek medical attention for your injuries after a car accident. If your car accident insurance policy carries personal injury protection coverage, the medical expenses should be covered by your car accident insurance company first. Going in the emergency room as soon as possible will show that the car accident injuries needed immediate medical treatment.

• Disclose all symptoms with the emergency room doctor – The doctor will take note of all the symptoms you are feeling, including all aches and pains in any part of your body. If you forget to mention any symptoms, it will not be placed on your medical record. Insurance adjusters will be reviewing your medical records very intently and they can then use these “forgotten symptoms” to decrease the value of your injury by telling you that you did not report the said injury the day you went in the emergency room.

• Be careful with what you say, even with the doctors – The doctor will be taking note of everything you say and in turn will be reviewed by the medical adjusters.
If the doctor asks you what you were doing and answer that you were “playing golf or basketball, was jogging, etc. after the car accident.” The insurance adjuster can use that against your claim by saying that your injuries were not very serious if you were able to engage in such strenuous activities.

• Ask the emergency doctor for a work release – Even if you believe you do not need one, ask for one. Some injuries do not appear until after a few days. This also help in showing that your injuries was serious enough to warrant time off from work.

• Ask for a referral – Emergency doctors would only see you because of emergencies like car accidents. They will not continue your treatment. Ask them for a doctor that they can refer so that you can continue your treatment.

• Stick to your treatment schedule – Insurance adjusters will reduce the payment you will get if they find out that you are skipping some of your treatment. Skipping treatment will show that your injuries are not as serious as you claim.

June 5, 2011

Tips on Lowering Car Accident Insurance Premiums

by: Mark Dacanay

A lot of people would usually wonder why they are paying for a comparably higher car accident insurance premiums compared to other people.

There are a lot of factors that affect the rate of car accident insurance policies. Some of them are:

• Age – The highest car accident insurance premiums are with young drivers and elderly drivers.

• Sex – Male drivers are considered more prone to accidents than women.

• Location – There is more risk of being involved in an accident in highly populated areas
• Model of Car – A more expensive car is more prone to theft.

• Previous accidents – If the person has been involved in a previous accident, it will raise his/her car accident insurance premiums.

To lower your car insurance premiums, here are some tips that you can follow:

Shop Around for Options

Insurance companies are private companies with a lot of competitors. Some offer discounts and packages that could significantly lower your car accident premiums.

However, take into consideration the financial stability of the insurance company as well. You are paying for insurance, to secure your finances and an unstable insurance company may fold before you reap any benefits.

Take a Driving Course

Taking a driving course will show your intention to be a responsible driver and will give the impression that you will be less prone to car accidents.

It usually cost around $100 for a day’s course, but it can go a long way in lowering your premiums.

Car Safety Features

Adding car safety features such as anti-lock brakes, dual side air bags, and electronic seatbelts reduce the risk of injury in case of a car accident.

Reduced risk of injuries will also translate to reduced car accident insurance premiums.

Anti-Theft Devices

The risk of theft can also add to your car accident premiums especially if you are driving an expensive car.

Adding anti-theft devices such as a car alarm will reduce the risk of theft and may lower your premiums.

Drive a low-profile car

Driving a red sports car is not exactly avoiding attention. The more expensive a car is, the more it is prone to theft.

A simple sedan will fetch a lower car accident insurance premium than a Ferrari.

Credit reports are used by insurance companies to calculate the amount of risk they will assume to offer you a car accident insurance policy.

Make sure to pay your bills on time and review your credit reports every year to make sure there are no problems.

Avail of Group Discounts

A lot of companies offer reductions in car accident premiums if availed through a group plan.

It could be through an employer, professional, business or other associations.

The best way to keep your car accident premiums low is to be a responsible driver and avoid troubles in the streets.

However, if you are injured in a car accident in the future, be sure to consult a car accident attorney to help you in negotiating with your or the liable party’s insurance company.

Car Accident Insurance Policy Requirement in California

by: Mark Dacanay

Under the Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law, all vehicles that are driven on California roads should have liability insurance that provides financial responsibility for any injury or damage that is brought about by a traffic accident regardless of who is at fault.

This passage of the law is also a means for the California government to remove uninsured vehicles from its highways.

California vehicle owners can choose from four types of financial responsibility options which are:

• Car accident insurance policy with liability coverage

• A cash deposit of $35,000 to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

• A DMV issued self-insurance certificate

• A surety bond for $35,000 from a company licensed to do business in California.

All vehicles on California roads must obtain and maintain any of the above forms of financial responsibility whether the car is parked or operated.

An evidence of financial responsibility should always be in the vehicle at all times.

Acceptable proofs of financial responsibility are:

• A document or identification card from the car accident insurance company

• A DMV authorization letter, if the motorist is self-insured or a cash depositor

• A California Proof of Insurance Certificate

Most motorists choose to obtain car accident insurance policies to fulfill the financial responsibility requirements.

The minimum liability insurance coverage for private passenger vehicles in California is:

• $15,000 for injury or death to one person

• $30,000 for injury or death to more than one person

• $5,000 for property damage

An optional choice is the uninsured motorist coverage, where the policy holder can be compensated by their own insurance company if the liable party has no car accident insurance.

If the motorist chooses to avail of uninsured motorist coverage, he/she is required to purchase an amount equal to at least the minimum liability coverage for bodily injuries.

In addition, if a motorist avails of uninsured motorist coverage, he/she is required to purchase underinsured motorist coverage as well and it should also be at least equal to the minimum liability coverage for bodily injuries.

Driving without car accident insurance or any other forms of financial responsibility can be penalized by the DMV.

Vehicle registrations could be suspended if:

• The DMV is not notified that a car accident insurance policy has been cancelled and a replacement policy has not been submitted after 45 days.

• The car accident insurance information has not been submitted to the DMV within the issuance of a registration card.

• The DMV discovered that the vehicle registration was obtained by giving a false evidence of insurance.

Aside from suspension of registration, a motorist failing to provide proof of financial responsibility may cause a motorist to be punished through:

• Citation with fines that could reach $1,000 or more

• Impounding of vehicle plus fines

• Personal liability for damages if the motorist caused the accident which could lead to a seizure of some personal assets

Uninsured motorists are considered hazards on the road and that is why the government is working hard on cracking down on these irresponsible drivers.

If you were injured in a road accident where the liable party has insufficient or no insurance, consult immediately with a car accident attorney to help with your options.

How to Keep Your Car Insurance Rates Low

by: Mark Dacanay

Car insurance rates are calculated accounting in various factors that determine the “risk” of the driver.

A “high-risk” driver will have a higher car insurance rate while a “low-risk” driver will pay a lesser premium.

The factors that are considered for calculating your car insurance rates are:

• Age - According to studies, teen and elderly drivers are more likely to be involved in a car accident than other age groups.

• Car model – Insurance companies also consider the possibility of your car being stolen. A more expensive car is much more likely to be stolen than a simple car.

• Accident History – Involvement in previous accidents automatically makes you a high-risk driver. If you are liable for multiple accidents, some insurance companies may even label you as “uninsurable.”

• Location – If you are living in a highly populated area, your insurance rate will be higher as there is more possibility of being involved in an accident than in areas with a small population.

• Gender – According to statistics, males are more involved in an accident than females, giving them a higher car insurance rate. However, recent studies show that female related accident rates are catching up to men.

These calculations may seem unfair to some, but it is the way it is and insurance companies are not likely to change its methods anytime soon.

The least you can do is to try and decrease your car insurance rates. The key to that is showing that you are a low-risk driver.

Here are some tips you can follow to decrease your car insurance rates:

Take a Driver’s Education Course

Although it is not required before getting a license, a driver’s education course could slash about 10% from your car insurance rate.

It will show that you are serious about being a responsible driver, and who knows, you might actually learn how to be a defensive driver after.

Buy a Safe Car

An expensive sports car is more likely to be stolen and an SUV is prone to rollovers. Buy a simple car like a sedan.

It will greatly lower your car insurance rates.

In addition, some insurance companies also give discounts for cars that are environment friendly.

Use One Insurance Company

If you insure your home and other properties together with your car with one insurance provider, you should receive discounts.

This also applies to multiple cars. Insuring all cars under one insurance company will lower your car insurance rate.

Add Safety Features to your Car

Safety features such as automatic seatbelts and side airbags will prevent or lessen injuries during an accident.

Less injuries means less claims for insurance companies, so it should lower your car insurance rate.

Add Anti-Theft Devices

Adding anti-theft devices and parking your car in a garage reduces the risk of your car being stolen.

The reduced risk of theft would reduce your car insurance rate. Discounts can reach up to 25 percent.

Those are just some of the ways to keep your car insurance rates low. The best way to keep them low, though, is to avoid accidents.

That is why it is important that you consult a car accident attorney if you are involved in one. They will help make sure that if the accident is not your fault, then the claim will be made from the liable party’s insurance company and not your own.

Selecter: How To Get The Best Car Insurance For Young People

by: Mathew Cooper

Car insurance for young people, can be a little daunting.

When you get a car insurance quote from most companies, they'll treat you by your age and your gender rather than by your actual driving ability or habits. This may not seem fair - well, strictly speaking, it isn't - but this is a fairly universal method for insurance companies.

However, you shouldn't abandon hope when you're looking for a good insurance quote, even if you passed your driving test within weeks of being allowed to take it.

Some companies will offer insurance tailor made for young drivers, that helps lower the high prices from other providers by tailoring the policies to how you're likely to drive - both as a young person and as an individual. This includes policies that don't include driving abroad as standard cover, or tailored no-claims bonuses that don't require you to be driving for three years before you're eligible for savings.

One thing to note though is that these companies will be basing their quote on how you drive - so make sure you drive safely. Some tips that you should keep in mind to help keep your insurance as low as possible include:

• Keep your car in the best condition: check your tyre tread depth, pressure and their level of wear and tear; your oil and water levels; make sure your wipers are aren't split or blown; and check your lights.

• Don't use a mobile phone whilst driving: Apart from it now being illegal to use a handheld phone whilst on the road, it's generally not advised to even use a hands free when you're driving. Although your hands might be free, your attention is still being divided between something trivial and something that can be a matter of life and death. Pull over if you have to talk on the phone and you'll be on the ball in case something goes wrong.

• Pay attention to the weather: Different weather conditions require different driving. As a young driver, the chances are you'll lack experience on wet or icy roads or driving in strong winds. Be careful when you first experience these conditions and don't take your normal driving experience for granted.

• Remember that you're on probation: Anyone who's just passed their test has a limit of just six points on their driving license before they lose it. Once that's done, you have to reapply for a provisional license and take your theory and practical all over again. Though your license will affect your insurance even if you've only got one or two points, failing your probation period is a definite, huge and utterly black stain on your record. Don't get complacent!

June 3, 2011

Obtaining One Day Car Insurance

by: Grey andersons

Acquiring one day car insurance is as simple as obtaining everlasting insurance, with almost each insurance coverage firm at the moment understanding the necessity for a short term interval of cover and adapting themselves to offer any companies that can spread their title and enhance their fame.

It might seem unusual to many people, but there're quite a lot of approved accredited drivers on this planet who don't personal a automotive, particularly given the financially impotent occasions we're at present living in. Proudly owning a automotive is an expensive process, with cash always being paid out on gasoline and repairs to name however two parts of expenditure, and so with regards to that large transferring day or only a enjoyable day out with the family to the local amusement park or water park, hiring a automotive and obtaining one day car insurance is the best, safest and most cost-effective option.

By providing one-day automobile insurance coverage, insurance coverage corporations space doing their finest to stop people from driving uninsured.

At some point auto insurance could appear expensive, or a squander for just a brief interval of cover, however it is all the time going to be substantially inexpensive than being clogged for driving with out insurance and the accompanying tremendous, ban or prison sentence that might be applicable.

The big day lastly arrives, you might be prepared to move home and start off anew in a brand new place, ready to be moulded to your individual likings, all you need to do is transfer the goods, but you have no insurance. The expensive choice would be to hire a driver as well as the van, that may be the easiest possibility many people would agree, nevertheless, another choice which will be inexpensive and likewise means that you can have completely data of where really your ownership are at all times is to obtain one day car insurance cover. Simply long sufficient to move home, but not so long that you're left cursing the cost.

There are actually even particular web sites which were set up to make available solely for one day car insurance, and lots of insurance coverage companies have special insurance policies for such occasions, insurance policies that eliminate some of the long run insurance coverage situations but supply better protection on any brief term issues comparable to minor injury, which when coping with rental vehicles is always going to be advantageous.

Saving on Car Insurance of Young Drivers

by: Andres A Golden

What should my first steps be when buying auto insurance for a young driver? Begin by taking a deep breath and not panicking. Shop around and get free initial quotes you should always compare the pros and cons as well as the cost of each young drivers insurance policy.

Can you ask for a discount on your teenager's car insurance? Unfortunately teenagers as a whole are the most expensive group of people to insure. Their loves for sport cars, speeding and frequent traffic violations are just some of the reasons why. So when you contact an agent ask about discounts on young drivers insurance. More often than not, the agent will not offer the discount unless you ask up front. Good examples of a possible student discount on insurance are good grades, good driving record, multiple cars on policy, completing a defensive driving program, and not driving a sports car.

What is the biggest cost of an insurance policy for a teenager? Theft is one of the biggest parts of a young driver's policy. This is even higher when a teen opts to drive a new sports car. An easy solution is going for a reliable used vehicle insurance companies have lists about which cars are the most favorable to you in order to save some money. Young drivers insurance will cost less with these types of cars. Encourage safe driving habits because not only do they guarantee the protection of your child but they can go a long way on cutting costs of future insurance plans.

How can involve my teenager in purchasing lower priced insurance? Encourage your teenager to keep a learners permit for as long as the law will allow, because some insurance companies do not require coverage on a learners permit driver. Persuade your teenager to buy an older car because they are typically less expensive to insure. Give your teenager an incentive to drive safely. Young drivers should always be involved in the process so they will always have a good reason to practice good driving habits. These tips will always result in future savings for the renewals of policies.