Passing your driving test is a brilliant feeling, as you probably are aware otherwise you would not be reading this. It gives you a new level of freedom, being able to jump in your car whenever you want and go wherever you want to.
The whole process can be very costly though, the cost of a car, the tax, the mot and of course the car insurance. Unfortunately for new drivers, car insurance is very expensive when you start out. Usually over the thousand pound mark. This can often be more or nearly the same price as the car, unfortunately until you acquire some years of no claims bonuses, there is little that anyone can do to lower the insurance cost. With my first car my insurance quote was over fifteen hundred pounds, an amount of money that I was prepared to pay, but instead of getting too downhearted I did my research and found a great solution to the problem, in the end I managed to get it down to just below one thousand pounds.
But there is one way to pretty much guarantee you can knock some money off your insurance premium and that is to use a car insurance comparison site. I would not recommend using any standard car insurance comparison site because they aim at the general market, being a niche consumer of car insurance, i.e. a new driver, you need to visit an insurance comparison site that specialises in providing cheap new driver car insurance. There are a few around, and the reason you need to visit them is because they provide insurance quotes from insurers that concentrate on finding extremely good deals for new drivers.
If you go with any general insurance broker they are unlikely to offer you the best price on your car insurance because just like every other business they have to make money and unfortunately it is risky to insure new drivers. Something like 70 percent of new drivers crash in their first year, so unfortunately for the other 30 percent, you have to pay price of others mistakes.
But by choosing a car insurer that concentrates on providing new driver car insurance in the UK you will definately get a lower quote. This is because these car insurers deal mainly in supplying insurance to new or young drivers, they will have excellent prices for you to sign upto, helping you to enjoy the freedom of being able to drive.
But who do you choose? As with everything in the insurance market, there are hundreds of companies all fighting for the same business. I recommend you chose someone that compares a lot of insurers and that also offers a simple to use and quick to fill in quote form.
Good luck with finding your new insurance policy and enjoy the driving.
June 7, 2011
How To Find Cheap New Driver Car Insurance
by: Michael Foote