Insurance companies ask for an awful lot of information when it comes to getting car insurance quotes. The level of detail required by the companies is all used to judge the risk you and your vehicle pose, and how likely it is you will make a claim. There are a lot of myths and rumours surrounding car insurance quotes however, most of which are utter rubbish. Here we dispel the fiction and reveal the truth behind your car insurance quote.
Car Colour Makes a Difference
A common myth but utterly untrue; many people are led to believe that the colour of their car will have an effect on their car insurance quote. There are two schools of thought on colour affecting car insurance premiums. The first idea is that the popular car colours: silver, black and red are easier to sell on and hence hold their value much better. Higher value cars tend to have more expensive insurance quotes, and so the myth goes that if you want to get a cheap car insurance quote, buy a car in a lurid pink.
On the other hand, rumours would have you believe that unusual car colours by their rarity are much more expensive to repair if there is any body work damage, and hence insurance companies require a premium for buying a car in fluorescent yellow. Both explanations are completely false; car colour has no bearing whatsoever on your car insurance quote.
My Credit History Will Be Reviewed
Whilst this was certainly prevalent a few years ago, in most cases now car insurance companies will not check your credit rating. The advent of the internet has made car insurance a highly competitive market, and with so many companies out there, insurers are much less likely to take your credit history into account than they were in the past. Whilst it is true that you can receive a discount to your car insurance quote for paying upfront rather than in instalments, this is true for all customers and has nothing to do with credit rating.
Living in a Sunny Area Will Get Me a Cheaper Quote
The reasoning behind this perpetuated legend comes from the true fact that drivers are less likely to have an accident in clear and dry weather conditions. As the myth goes, if you live in an area which has historically better weather, you will on average have more days on the road with clear and dry driving conditions which means you should have fewer accidents as a result of your geographic location. This myth arises from confusion about one of the criteria asked for from insurance companies. When getting a car insurance quote, companies require you to provide an address because they monitor the average crime levels in your neighbourhood. The weather is of no consequence to your car insurance quote.
June 25, 2011
Car Insurance Quote Myths Dispelled
by: Kim Chambers